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How To Build A Personal Brand

Writer: Marc Primo Marc Primo

Updated: Mar 19, 2020

The following is an article “How To Build A Personal Brand” by Marc Primo.

Building a personal brand isn’t as easy as it sounds. More than simply making a business out of something that you are passionate about, your very own bespoke brand should not just revolve around you. It’s reason for being will ultimately depend on whether or not people perceive your brand to be as amazing as you do, and are willing to part with their hard-earned money just to own a piece of your brainchild.

The following are practical tips designed to help your personal brand stand out from the clutter while letting you express yourself through your goods and services:

Plot your road map — In order to reach a goal, you need to know where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. Start by analyzing all there is to know about your brand. What are the consumers’ needs? In what areas can you offer the most value? Most importantly, what makes you different from the rest? If you know your product like the back of your hand, these considerations will be second nature to you where all you need to do is put it into writing and follow it to a T.

Identify your market — This is where things get scientific and complicated. Your market is composed of a motley crew of consumers who can be as fickle as London’s infamous weather where one can experience all four seasons in a day. Gather all the intel you can about your audience; their socio-economic profile, their salary bracket, their habits and quirks, their ideologies or lack thereof. Once you have all the data you need, plan your strategy around their behaviour and habits.

Address a need — You might have a reputation for being the most passionate cyclist in the neighborhood, but that alone isn’t going to automatically translate to leads and conversions. While being knowledgeable in your field is a bonus, providing solutions to your customers’ needs is what will spell the difference between failure and success. For example, instead of opening a bike shop that sells various models and accessories, go the extra mile and offer a service center as well. This will give your customers a reason to come back, as well as showcase your expertise in the cycling world.

Make it snappy — Remember, you are always going to be competing with others who have the same business idea as you. That includes winning the attention of your target audience. Your best approach is to always keep your message short and catchy. Think of it as being a budding filmmaker who earns a chance to pitch his story to a Hollywood mogul. If you can’t communicate the essence of your movie in a few short sentences, chances are you’ll be shown the door. Same with a personal brand; your customers want to know what your product can do for them and how it is different from the rest, in just a few seconds.


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